Designtrail Support Policy

Have any query? Before dropping us a mail please ensure following :
  • Latest versions of theme and plugins :
    Check you have latest provided versions of theme and plugins installed.
    Versions could be confirmed in changelog under theme specific help.
  • Help Document :
    Check help document, useful most of the times ? . Try with search too.
  • Disabling Plugins :
    Try disabling third party plugins (other than recommended), clear cache and refresh.
    Problem could get resolved if one of them is causing the problems.
  • Make sure to :
    • Be descriptive about the query.
    • Provide screenshots if possible.
    • Provide your URL and WP login credentials if necessary.
Support Channel
    Purchase Platform Support
    Themeforest Drop a mail via support tab on item details page, via account you have used for purchase.
    In case you are dropping mail via some another account please provide purchase code.
    Creative Market You can drop a comment on creative market.
    Or drop us a mail via contact form along with purchase code.